From Jacobin: 2015/11
The growing youth movement against Prime Minister Shinzō Abe is disrupting Japan’s conservative status quo.

Protesters outside Japan's Diet building in August 2015. LittleGray_T / Flickr
Since the earthquakes and a nuclear meltdown in Fukushima hit eastern Japan in March 2011, fissures have opened up across the surface of the Japanese archipelago — and across the surface of Japanese society.
Contemporary Japan is freighted with the triple weight of historical memory, natural disaster, and austerity — a situation sustained and compounded by the regime of Shinzō Abe, the most conservative prime minister the country has seen since World War II.
But there are signs that this unstable status quo is producing its own revolts and generating its own forces of resistance at the core of Japanese society. In August and September alone, hundreds of thousands of youth, activists from across the social and political landscape, leaders of opposition parties, trade unionists, workers, and others held intense, nightly demonstrations against the Abe administration outside the National Diet, a force of direct political action unseen in Japan for many years.
What explains this seemingly sudden explosion?
from IWJ Independent Web Journal 2015/11/06
- 記事目次
- 安倍政権の姿勢と辺野古新基地建設は「日本の価値観を脅かすという点で同根の問題」
- 「自分たちの民意は届かないのか。この国のあり方は何なんだろう」
- 「辺野古基地建設に反対している国民」対「非民主的なやり方で無理やり政策をすすめていく国家」という構図への転換を
- 声明文全文「この国の自由と民主主義を守るという立場から、今回の辺野古埋め立てに関する一連の政府の手続きに反対します」
- 会見者 芝田万奈氏(SEALDs)/元山仁士郎氏(SEALDs, SEALDs RYUKYU)/大野至氏(SEALDs KANSAI)/玉城愛氏(SEALDs RYUKYU)